Sugarwood Beach

Drivers of Value in This Community

Sugarwood Block A

Sugarwood is a great diamond, not even in the rough anymore, located just 1/3 of a mile east of the intersection of 395 and 30-A.  It starts at North Greenwood and is behind the Seahighlands Subdivision.  In front of Sugarwood and Seahighlands is Whiskey Bravo

Sugarwood is the first subdivision immediately east of Old Seagrove.  It is platted next to the Seagrove 7th Addition.

Block A is the "beachside" block.

Sugarwood has Block B and C as well, both of which are more of a golf cart ride to the beach.

Sugarwood Block B and C
Beach Access

It is fair to say that all the lots and homes in Block A are less than a quarter of a mile to the beach access at South Greenwood.

The beach here is never over crowded.  There are always areas of the beach where there is no one, and sometimes areas that get maybe one deep on a busy day.   The access point is public but not handicap accessible.


The amenities near Sugarwood include many of the same you would include for Old Seagrove.  In fact, if you ask residents of Sugarwood where they live, many will say in Old Seagrove.

Seaside is "our town" too.  It is a reasonable walk of just about 1 mile , and in Seaside you can enjoy it all without having to try to find a parking space.  Then you can leave it all behind.

Sugarwood is near Whiskey BravoSeagrove Village MarketCafe and The V Restaurant.  You can also walk or ride a bike quickly to Angelina's or even Cafe Thirty A.   Sugarwood boasts many proud residents of 30-A including the fine folks that bring you Pizza By The Sea.


The restrictions are contained in the documents of the home owner's association.  Here they are realistic and reasonable about running a fine subdivision.  As of 2015 the ANNUAL dues for Sugarwood were just $219.   Yes that is right, $219 PER YEAR.  There are building requirements that can be characterized as clear, but also allow for meaningful variation in the size and style of the home.   The review committee is quick and clear when reviewing plans to build.

Buying In this Community


There seems to have been, over the last four years, always one or two lots available in Sugarwood.   What one must know is that there are very few subdivisions where a quarter of an acre and more lots are the standard.   Sugarwood represents a unique value area as land prices are a relative bargain.   As of July of 2015, lots in Block A have transaction values that average about $272,000.   There remain only 6 lots in Block A, and presently none are for sale.  There is presently one lot in Block A listed and one lot in Block B listed for sale.   Sometimes a letter to an owner with an offer might create a conversation that may result in you being a proud owner in Sugarwood.

Existing Homes

There are many existing homes in Sugarwood.  Prices of completed transactions in the last year or so range from $374,000 to $861,000 on a full commission equivalent basis.  It, unlike some other subdivisions, does not appear to be incomplete.  It is stable and built out sufficiently to have a range of comparable values.  Homes range from Florida Cottages of 1500 square feet or so to fine homes at 2800 - 3600 square feet with fine finishes.   Comparable value seems to be a bit higher for Block A homes than for Block B and C owing to the proximity of Block A to the beach access point.  The area is surrounded now by new building activity on the beach with prices there ranging well into the $7,000,000 price point.   This augurs well for increasing values in Sugarwood overtime.

Rental Possibilities

Rental depends on many factors.  Sugarwood has a few rental homes on North Greenwood that do better than average.  Generally, Sugarwood only gets about 10 weeks of rentals per year.  The good news for many is that only a handful of Sugarwood homes are actively rented.  This community is more residential.  There are a few residents with long term rental carriage houses and a couple that rent a carriage house on a nightly basis.  There are a few homes under long term rental.  They do well for the value of Sugarwood.

Building In this Community

Can You Contract Yourself?

Sugarwood does have an architectural review committee.  There is no requirement to use approved architects or builders, but your plans must be reviewed and approved.  You can get your own permit as a home owner and contract with the various trades to build your own home.  
One resident in Sugarwood has done that in the last couple of years and has a fine home to show for his efforts.

I built a home here using a builder in the area, Chi-Mar construction and the result was a fast build and a great home that I subsequently sold for a healthy increase in my equity.  There are many fine builders in the area that would enjoy building in Sugarwood given the more relaxed requirements of daily work activity compared to some other communities.  So long as they keep a neat and clean site everyone will do just fine.

Restrictions Influencing Cost To Build

There are no special build requirements other than the county regulations, Sugarwood guidelines and the 2014 Florida Building Codes.   It is important to know that you can save on exterior painting because in Sugarwood you can spray on the paint.   Otherwise, as any good builder or home owner contractor needs to do, keep your neighbors in mind and keep a clean and tidy work area.

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